PUBLIC NOTICE - WVCHIP Benefit Transition Update08/01/2024
Benefit Transition Updated July 1, 2024
The transition prompted by House Bill 4649, the WV DHS' BMS, further aligned WVCHIP and Medicaid operations and benefits for children and pregnant women.
CHIP Turns 25!08/05/2022
Celebrating 25 years of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Telehealth Policy10/27/2021
For Telehealth Appointments, there are guidelines that need to be met. To find out more, see the Members section under "Resources".
2021 Virtual Provider Workshops 03/29/2021
Tuesday, April 13th 9-12
Wednesday, April 14th 9-12 & 1:30-3:30
Thursday, April 15th 9-12
Tuesday, April 20th 9-12 & 1:30-3:30
Wednesday, April 21st 9-12
Thursday, April 22nd 1:30-3:30
The invoicing system may currently show an incorrect balance due for Premium Invoices. We thank you for your patience while we work to correct your Premium invoices.
The online payment system currently may show duplicate coverage or coverage has expired. Please note that we are working to correct these errors. Amounts due on paper invoices are correct.
Maternity Coverage Under CHIP Began July 1st09/30/2019
WVCHIP provides maternity coverage beginning July 1, 2019. If a member is pregnant at the time of turning 19 and aging out of WVCHIP coverage, the member needs to contact DHHR to be evaluated for WVCHIP pregnancy coverage.
2019 Fall Provider Workshops08/20/2019
Upcoming developments which may impact your practice or organization will be presented at the 2019 Fall Provider Workshops. Click on heading for more information.
WVCHIP Board Approves Plan for Future02/28/2018
We are pleased to announce that Congress passed bills to cover ten years of continued funding for CHIP. Therefore, there will be no interruption to enrollment, services, or claims payments for WVCHIP members.
Spring 2017 Provider Workshops03/13/2017
Provider Workshops will be conducted throughout the State April 3rd - 13th, to share new developments that might impact provider offices.
Need Money To Pay For College?10/05/2016
Need Money to Pay for College? Starting October, Medicaid/CHIP beneficiaries can complete the FAFSA to access the $180 billion investments available for higher education.
Get connected with community-based substance treatment programs and behavioral health services near you.
Kids First HealthCheck Forms!04/29/2016
To help assure every child has a healthy start and is ready to learn when pre-school or kindergarten begins, WVCHIP supports the Kids First initiative. Read on for more information and to access the HealthCheck Form you need!
You must be fully enrolled with CHIP prior to June 30, 2016. Call Molina Provider Relations at 1-888-483-0793 with questions or to confirm you are fully enrolled.
West Virginia Providers Registration Information for Upcoming Provider Workshops
Choosing Wisely05/26/2015
"Choosing Wisely" Helps patients and their doctors to choose care that is truly necessary and which helps keep the patients safe from unnecessary harm.
Your Baby Has You. You Have Text4baby. A new free Service that helps connect moms and moms-2-be with critical health and safety information right at their fingertips on their cell phone.